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10 signs it’s time to change jobs

Knowing when to change jobs isn’t easy. To help you decide whether the grass is greener on the other side, watch out for the following 10 tell-tale signs.

One of the hardest things about changing jobs is knowing whether it’s the right thing to do. 2023 saw a huge decrease in resignations as more people settled for job security.

After all, it’s much easier to stay in a job that feels comfortable than to leap into the unknown. Better the devil you know, right?

However, when you’re in a job that isn’t ticking your boxes, there’s no harm in taking a look at what else is out there. Life’s too short not to!

So, if you’re umming and ahhing about whether or when to change jobs, here are 10 surefire signs that it’s time to update your CV and start applying.

10 reasons it could be time to change jobs

 1. You don’t see a future at your company

Perhaps you’ve risen the ranks as far as they go, or maybe there just aren’t the right development opportunities available.

Whatever the reason, if you can’t envisage a future at your current job, why stay?

There are countless jobs out there that offer development, career progression, and opportunities for professional and personal growth. If you want more for yourself, go and get it.

2. Your salary has stagnated

Does your salary leave a lot to be desired? Take a look at your time at the company and consider how well your salary has evolved with your role and whether it is a competitive salary for your line of work. You can get a good industry benchmark from our 2023 Salary guide.

People frequently find themselves accepting salaries that don’t reflect their qualifications or capabilities, but transparency about salary is becoming more common in the workplace.

If you have tried to negotiate a higher salary with your employer but have been denied one, it might be worth looking at other jobs to see how well you could fare elsewhere.

3. You don’t like the culture at work

We spend most of our lives at work, so it’s important that we feel happy in our work environments.

It’s hard to enjoy work all the time, but if you never do, it’s a clear-cut sign that you’re not in the right place. After all, feeling like we belong to the culture at work can go a long way in serving our loyalty and overall career fulfilment.

So much so that 45% of UK business leaders rank “great” culture at work as the most important factor when finding a new job.

Whether your job lacks good company values that align with your own or you can’t connect with your colleagues, you deserve to find a company that has a culture at work you can get behind.

4. You don’t feel appreciated enough

It’s not just about the money.

It can be disheartening to work hard without receiving appreciation or positive feedback. Feeling valued within your workplace encourages you to continue the hard graft, and finding motivation without it can be pretty tough.

If you don’t feel as though your efforts are recognised in your current role, consider taking your talents elsewhere.

5. Your wellbeing is suffering

In this day and age, companies have no excuse not to promote a healthy work-life balance or to support their employees’ wellbeing.

Although your job is important, your physical and mental health should always come first. If your current job negatively impacts your wellbeing – be it through overworking, a lack of support, or a hostile work environment – it should be your main priority to change jobs.6.

6. You dread Mondays

Everybody feels like the weekend goes too quickly, but if your Sunday ‘scaries’ are extreme enough to cause you anxiety or stress, it might be because your job is not the right fit for you.

Ask yourself whether you would feel more positive about beginning each week if you were working somewhere else.

If the answer is yes, it might be time for you to change jobs.

7. You feel like you can’t be yourself at work

Of course, we all adapt to the company we’re in, and most people will behave differently at work from the way they act around friends.

However, if you feel like you have to drastically change how you act when you’re at work and cannot be your true self, you need to change something.

You will not fulfil your potential for success or happiness in a job that stifles your personality. Change jobs before your job changes you!

8. You don’t feel challenged

Although it’s nice to be comfortable, we all need to be challenged at work to feel stimulated. Otherwise, how can we expect to improve and grow?

Your job should stimulate you in a way that utilises your abilities and pushes you to expand your skill set.

If you feel like you’re not developing professionally or personally in your role, consider looking for a job that will push you out of your comfort zone now and then.

9. Your friends and family think you need to change jobs

Your nearest and dearest know you best. If they think your job isn’t right for you, you should take their thoughts on board.

Although it will ultimately be down to how you feel, listening to others’ opinions can help you decide when to change jobs.

10. It isn’t your dream job

The term ‘dream job’ can be thrown around quite flippantly, but there is something in it.

If you fantasise about another job, or if the one you’ve got doesn’t make you excited, maybe you should go for it and follow your dreams!

If you never try, you’ll never know…

Other things to consider when it comes to changing jobs

Changing jobs can feel pretty momentous. So, when you feel you’re ready, you want to make that decision with confidence.

Here are a few things to consider once you’ve decided it’s time for you to change jobs:

  • You’ll need a reference. Before cutting ties with your current employer, try not to burn any bridges! You’ll need them on your side if a new employer asks for a detailed reference.
  • Research the job market. Once you’ve decided to switch things up, it might be wise to take a look at the job market for your line of work. This way, you can see how in-demand your skills are and can time your exit cleverly.
  • Quite often, when valued employees hand in their resignation, employers hit back with an appealing counteroffer – usually involving higher pay. You’ll have something else to factor into the equation if this happens to you.
  • Financial stability. If you haven’t got a new job lined up, make sure you’re financially stable enough to bridge the gap between jobs.
  • Learn from the past. As you look into new roles, consider the factors that are pushing you to leave your current one. Make sure the jobs you apply to line up with your values and are free from the downsides you’re trying to escape.

Final thoughts on changing jobs

Most of us are gifted with that gut instinct that tells us when something isn’t right, but hopefully, these signs can help you identify whether a job change is the right move for you.

Big life changes can be daunting, which is why, here at Revoco, we focus on making hiring transitions as smooth as possible.

If you need some guidance, we’re on hand to help you find your next dream tech job.

Reach out today or take a glance at some of our case studies to find out more.


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