One size
doesn't fit all

Recruitment as a Service (RaaS)

Every organisation is different and at different stages of their growth. We know that recruitment on demand isn’t always the perfect model for start-ups or business’ trying to scale up their teams.

Our Recruitment as a Service (RaaS) offering is the perfect blend of strategy, tools, and team capability, wrapped up in a monthly subscription that ultimately saves you money whilst achieving your hiring goals.

How does it work?

No more charges per placement – it’s a fixed monthly cost for a minimum of 3 months.

We’ll become part of your team, embedding an experienced tech recruiter (with all the tools they need) into your organisation. They’ll begin finding talent straight away, freeing you up to run your business.

Why would you start from scratch, when you can tap into our existing talent pools? And we don’t stop there. We’ll help you design and implement best in class strategy and processes that set you up for success and don’t require our involvement forever.

Need some technology to help with your applicant tracking and to improve your application process and candidate journey? Have a look at our bolt on “Tech Pack”.

Don’t have a careers page or yours needs updating? Need a compelling “Work for Us” video”? We’ve got all that covered with our “EVP Pack”.

When volumes dictate, we can also help drive candidates to your careers page with a tailored content plan and social media strategy with our bolt on “Outreach” pack.

Number of planned hires: 5


Their average salary: 55k


Percentage of hires filled by agency: 30%

Total estimated spend:
See what you can save


If you have an idea of your hiring forecast and you know your current agency utilisation then have a play with our calculator. We’d get in a right strop if we couldn’t at least half these costs.

Our full RaaS proposition

For more information on the commercials, how it works and the extra bolt on packs download our eBook.

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the workforce development fund
Arenko logo. Client testimonial
McColls logo. Client testimonial